
400 Baht Attractions

Would I pay 400 baht for National Park Attractions?

As the National Parks has just raised the price of admissions to 400 baht for:

  1. Khao Yai National Park
  2. Khao Laem Ya
  3. Mu Khao Ang Thong National Marine Park
  4. Hat Nappharat Thara-Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park
  5. Mu Koh Lanta National Park

Would I pay 400 baht?

Some of them I probably would 1 time.

There would be no repeat business.

Some on the list I would not pay, therefor local accomodations and restaurants would get nothing.

It is not just the attraction. If the price is too high, all the local businesses will miss out when no tourist shows up.

It is common sense, but probably not in Thailand.

Greed overtakes common sense.

I do not see many foreign families or 4 or more, paying these prices.
