
Today’s Rant

How many foreigners really care about Thailand the same as Thai people? I think the ones that fit into that category are the older, retired, married, that have their whole lives and have invested here.

I think this is good for Thailand and for the families they support.

The flip side of the coin is all the younger people that decided as long as there is social media, Youtube, etc. I will live in Thailand and scrape by without working.

Foreigners are NOT experts in Thailand, even though they claim they are.

The majority of Thailand is not resorts and holidays. Other foreigners being tricked into all this foolishness they see on Youtube.

Thailand is a struggle for Thai people and anyone that portrays it any different is a complete idiot.

These people seem to have never learned that in order to retire some day, you have to work your entire life and save, save, save.

When you are doing Youtube and living it up in Thailand, some day you are going to be in for a super rude awakening when you have no money for retirement.

Even if you could live on 30,000 thb per month, 20 years (360 months) would cost you over US $212,000 of savings. I think maybe 1 Youtuber would have that much money saved.

While the years are skipping by, none of these Youtuber’s realize every year is a lost year of savings.

Thai people work their entire lives. A huge majority are working day to day and will never be able to retire in comfort, depending on their children for support.

People work their entire lives all over the world.

Thailand is no free ride.

If you think you are going to skate by your entire life with $1,000 a month, you really are an idiot.

Ask some of the Youtubers that finally woke up 10 years older and now are back home living with their parents.

That is what being an idiot will get you.

We all have to work and if you think you don’t, wait and see when you are 65 years old if you ever make it that long.


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