
No VISA, No Dice

If you think you are going to live in Thailand forever without a proper VISA, think again.

If you get caught you will get arrested, deported and blacklisted from ever coming back.

There are many tourist, who I have to think are on the seriously under-educated side, try this every single week of every single year.

Extending VISA exempt stamps, border bounces, you name it.

Well you might get away with fooling the system for a year or less, but is it worth the risk of getting arrested? Apparently it is since so many people do it.

Thailand is no different than any other country.

Can you NOT work in your own home country and still survive? Of course not.

It takes money, it takes a steady income, savings, etc. and Thailand is no different.

Rules for work and Visas have to be followed or else. Worse yet, jealous expats will turn you in to the authorities.

Young tourists have a screw loose.

They come to Thailand never realizing they are saving nothing for their retirement years and will have nothing. Their entire lives they will own nothing, no assets, so savings, no pension. They live for today, not seeing past their long noses.

Is living in Thailand really worth it? No Way!

Lately several profile Youtubers have gone packing, realizing after 12 years here, married with kids, that they cannot financially survive.

They scammed the VISA system to the point, they no longer have any options for a VISA.

The message here is without a proper VISA and income, you have no business being here.

Rich People – Elite Visa

Retirement People (Over Age 50) – Retirement Visa if your pension qualifies

Marriage VISA – Married to a Thai. Must keep 400,000 thai baht in a bank account to get your visa renewed each year.

OA Visa – Singles have to park 800,000 in a Thai Bank account each year

New LTR VISA – For well qualified expats earning US $80,000+ a year and meeting stringent qualifications.

Non-B Business VISA – Open your own business or work for Thai company providing work permit

If you cannot qualify for any of those, go home, and come back when you DO meet the requirements.

On Top of the VISA, you need a steady income.

We are seeing more and more Youtuber’s stressed out to no end, wondering if they will earn enough this month to be able to pay their bills? Most of these people are working illegally without a proper visa.

And for people using Agents to get by the rules? Sooner or later your time is coming.

Thailand is NOT the place to get arrested!


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