
What is Important?

Do you want to move or retire to Thailand?

If you do, you need to start out with proper planning.

Make a list of the 5 or 10 top things you will need in the location you want to live in?

VISA should be at the top of the list. Securing/renewing VISA for the long term and meeting the VISA requirements each year.

Banking. VISA’s require bank accounts. Setting up a bank account in Thailand. You also need a way to transfer your pension/retirement funds to your account each month from abroad.

Budget. How much can you afford to spend each month and still have backup for a major emergency? Rent, internet, utilities, insurance, food, gas, etc.

A place to live. Condo? House? City? Tourist area? Rural Isaan? Be advised Bangkok is becoming more and more polluted each year to the point it can make you sick. Cost of living in Phuket is going through the roof. Pattaya/Jomtien if you want a condo. If married to a Thai, maybe buy land or build a house in rural Isaan.

Health insurance. As you grow older, you will have medical issues. Thailand is not easy to find health insurance after age 70.

Car/Truck? If you live in the countryside or rural areas you will need a car/truck. If you live in a condo, a motorbike will be adequate.

Prescription medicines are readily available, as there are pharmacies on almost every corner. If you are taking prescriptions in the west, find out if they are available in Thailand, either brand name or generic or Thai.

There are plenty on dentists and optometrists all over Thailand to cover any dental and vision issues.

A Will. If you know you are on a one way trip and will eventually die in Thailand, you should have a legal will to protect your family.

Thai language skills will make life much easier in any location.

Be advised against taking advice on social media. If you do not know these people or their personal circumstance, you could be led down an expensive financial path you don’t want to venture to.

You survived in your home, country, you can survive in Thailand by planning properly.


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