
All About Cheap

If you move to Thailand with limited funding and everything in your life becomes all about cheap prices, you are not going to enjoy yourself.

Many folks get unnerved having to spend an extra 20 or 50 baht, or worry about being ripped off for $2 or $3 dollars.

If you are living on such a small budget that a little baht causes you stress and anxiety, you will not enjoy it is here or anywhere for that matter.

Rent, food, others things are cheap here.

However, if you go the cheap route for purchases, you might learn that cheap means very poor quality that does not last.

Life is much too short to be worrying about a few baht here and there.

It amazes me how many people on social media worry so much and fret so much over such a small amount of money.

You know, if you move to Thailand you might live till you are 80.

Starting out fretting about losing or getting ripped off for 100 baht is not going to help your stress levels or mental health.

I see all kinds of foolish questions from expats.

“I don’t want the taxi to rip me off” like if that happens it is going to bankrupt you and it may be only 100 or 200 baht more.

Who cares?

The message is if you have to live that cheap and watch every single baht, you won’t have enough to enjoy life in Thailand.

If you move to Thailand, be financially prepared to afford a normal life.


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