
No Possible Way?

Thailand is a country with beautiful, single women.

When expats come to Thailand for a holiday, there is a good chance they will meet someone they really like.

Another avenue would be to meet someone online and they come to Thailand for a face to face meeting.

To be young and in love is the most wonderful thing; until the logistics get in the way.

Meeting someone in Thailand is just the beginning of a really long and sometimes painful journey in life.

The issue for most young people, is there really is no legal way (VISA) that you can remain in Thailand long term with your new girl unless:

You have ton of money for a Thailand Elite VISA

You can quality for a LTR VISA by working online and earning at least US $80,000 a year

Have the money and a guaranteed idea to start your own company.

Get married and be able to park 400,000 thb (US $11,765.00) in the bank. Then between you and your wife, you have to be able to make enough money to support each other.

If your wife-to-be can work, possibly you can land a job teaching English?

Between the 2 of you, you may be able to financially survive.

However, understand that love works a little different in Thailand.

I think there is an expectation from Thai women that marrying an expat is an expectation of a better life. Sometimes love is just not the answer they are looking for long term… They want more.

Most young people visiting Thailand, do not qualify for any of those 3 methods above.

You have met the girl of your dreams and now what?

After you return home from your holiday, you are left with such heartache and despair that it is hard to function.

Even with all the online communications tools like Zoom, and seeing each other everyday, not being together feels like a death-blow.

The truth is, there really is no way to be together if you cannot meet the big 3 listed above.

Do you have the means to marry her and bring you to your own country?

Is she willing to move?

Can you meet the financial sponsorship requirements of your own country?

Can you afford to support her?

I am sure there is no heartache in the world, meeting someone and not being able to be together.

However, if you are aware of that fact up front, and the difficulties involved, maybe you can find the way.


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