
Tourist vs Residents

Tourists coming to Thailand, or those that have visited many times over the years, really do have a rose colored view of life in Thailand compared to expats that actually live in Thailand.

I think one of the main reasons comes down to money.

When you come here for a holiday, you might have saved money the entire year, just to spend on a 2 or 3 week holiday in Thailand.

Holiday means just that.

You stay in nice hotels and resorts, eat what ever you want, travel all over Thailand to see the sights.

However, that is not the real Thailand, no matter how many times you have come here.

Not many, if any, move to Thailand and can spend that kind of money each and every month.

Expats moving to Thailand (The majority that are not married to a Thai lady), seek out the cheapest place to live, eat food on the street, and generally have no assets. No property, no car, no nothing.

Many that kind to find a wife, find out the hard way, most sensible Thai woman are not interested to live like that.

For a huge percentage, after a year many find out Thailand is not so great as a resident where you have to live within your budget.

For instance a major water park entrance may be close to US $50 per person. How many times are you going to visit there as a resident? Truthfully probably never.

When you live in Thailand on a fixed income, you find out many of the joys you had as a tourist just evaporate.

Your longing to do more and have more eats away at you.

Then everything becomes bothersome.

The hot weather, the air pollution, the traffic jams, reporting and VISA paperwork, and a host of other things.

Believe it when I say the shine of Thailand wears off quite quickly once you live here full time.

You simply have to be able to afford the kind of life you want and expat.

If you cannot, Thailand will grind you down.


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