
Wanting to Move to Thailand

People that have visited Thailand many times over the years have a dream of moving to Thailand.

But they cannot move due to not be able to find a way to financially support themselves.

In a way it is kind of sad for them, but then I wonder if they really understand that living here fulltime is not the same as being a tourist here?

There are cheap ways for singles to survive, however, if you have a family or plan to, the cost of tuition and everything else is very high. Unless your family can live like Thai people, it will take a lot of money to raise a family here.

The same as in your own country, it takes an income until the day you retire and then a retirement income to see you through to the end of life.

After living in the US for over 10 years, nothing in the US or anyone’s home country would be as stressful as trying to find and hang on to an income to support you in Thailand your entire life.

Jobs that pay enough are super rare these days.

Many people wanting to move to Thailand cannot see past the end of their nose.

This includes the 1000’s of Youtubers who never give one thought what happens when they are old and have saved nothing for retirement.

I can image the stress if you have a Thai girlfriend and the two of you cannot be together in Thailand. If you do not have the resources and meet the qualifications to bring her to your own country, you probably cannot afford her to begin with.

With financial problems usually comes a breakup or divorce. No one wants to marry a poor foreigner and when it becomes evident, broken heart here you come.

You might hate your job and your life in your own country, however, Thailand is trading one set of difficult problems for another set of even more difficult problems.

If you plan to move to Thailand, you should be asking yourself if you can support yourself until you die? That is really the #1 question.

How much money do I need every month until I die? Factor in ALL the costs of a normal family. Housing, land, cars, bills, foods, tuition, health care, old age…..

Making enough money to support yourself until you die. What is that number you think you will need to make it to the end?

30,000 thb a month? It may be more like 100,000 thb a month or more if you be really honest.

If you have the kind of qualifications to make over 100,000 thb a month in Thailand, you probably have no trouble surviving in your own country.

Income. Not for a year or two, forever.

Do you actually understand how much it cost to raise a family in Thailand? You better understand that.

Moving to Thailand forever, requires an income forever.

Many high profile social media people sent packing after being here for 10+ years after getting married and having kids, then running out of money or losing their income.

I wish my country would allow equal opportunity for ALL jobs, land ownership, etc. as we Thai’s get in your countries. But currently it is not so and may never be.

Thailand fulltime is a struggle, a serious struggle that can cause severe health issues if you stress too much about not having enough money.


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