
Opinion: Thailand Abstains from Russian UN Vote

Sorry to say, Thailand’s excuse to abstain from the UN Vote is just a poor excuse, not to lose the possibility of massive tourist dollars from Russia.

Anyone with any education at all knows this, yet Thailand continues to make statements to the west believing all people are stupid????????????????

Had Thailand been invaded and their land taken over, they would be the first ones crying to the UN for help.

Despite 1000’s of innocent deaths in the South of Thailand over territory, Thailand has never been able to resolve this issue in their own back yard, refusing to give in any land.

Yet, it is ok to abstain from the UN vote when Ukraine has had 10,000’s of innocent civilians murdered and massive provinces of land annexed for Russia.

Thailand should ask itself WHY they are the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE FREE WORLD to abstain from this vote?

Every single first world educated country voted the same way; but not Thailand?

This is not morally responsible for any reason.

Killing innocent elders, woman and children should be condemned at the highest levels.

Yet Thailand stands all alone in Abstaining from such an important vote???????????

Thailand should ask itself if the murder of innocent elders, woman and children for ANY reason, is not indeed reason enough to condemn the Russian government?

Thailand has proven once again, being the only country outside the educated world, to abstain from this vote.

That says it all right there.
