
Selfies and Social Media

There was a time where I joined the masses and was a selfie and social media junkie.

Walking around glued to my mobile, taking reels and photos of everything I saw, and posting them for the masses of people I didn’t even know.

I have finally realized the reality of social media?

No one cares!

These are not your friends, these are very opinionated commenters that hang around on social media because they have no life and just want to stir up trouble.

Click the like button.

Click, click, click, click, click.

That is all the effort I can give your hard produced content.

Once I came to my senses, I realized this was not fun at all.

Fun is real friends, families, doing things together, going places.

Fun is not living on social media.

Most of the social media experience has become copy someone else’s content.

Seeing the same things 10,000 times each.

Who care if you have 100,000 members if all they do is copy?

Social media is no longer for me and I feel much better, much, much better not using social media.

Social media is for loser’s with no life!


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