
Badmouthing Your Own Country

Why do expats move to Thailand, after being born and growing up in a western country, then come to Thailand and badmouth their motherland?

They move to Thailand, start thinking they are Buddhist, wai’ing to Thai people and all kinds of things that are not their own culture?

Life is miserable when you are dead broke, have no food or running water, like many Thai people in rural Isaan.

However, you cannot tell me growing up in the UK, USA or Australia was that bad?

I am no sure what the reason for all of this is hatred towards their motherland?

To move from your motherland when all you can afford is a one room flat with a fan, is not my idea of the miracle life in Thailand that they paint it out to be?

I have seen many expats, their existence consists of a cheap condo, no car, no savings, no medical insurance stating what a joy Thailand is?

I really do not get it?

I suspect due to a younger age, many of these people have not looked ahead until they are 65 to 75 years old and physically going down hill and needing medical care?

Thailand is surely not Utopia, as many motherland’s are not Utopia.

Just because you tell yourself that does not make it true.

Thai life is extremely difficult and painful for those with limited finances.

Those bad mouthing their motherlands might find that out the hard way.


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