
Expats Behaving Terribly

There are expats who do behave in an awful way.

There are a number of reasons why some expats in Thailand behave badly.

One of the main reasons is their education level. Many expats were laborers at best in their home country and have no education, manners or etiquette. Rude, obnoxious behavior associated with beer drinking and bar stool hopping. It carries over with them in Thailand. They simply do not know any better.

Argumentative. You see so much false information on social media posted by expats and when challenged, they either want to fight you or start defending their ignorance with even more lies.

Know It Alls. Some expats, even though it is the first time out of their own home countries, immediately know everything about Thailand, even more than Thai people that have lived here their whole lives.

Some may be attracted to Thailand because it is a relatively inexpensive country to live in, and they may see it as a place where they can get away with behaving badly.

Others may be lonely or isolated, and they may lash out at others as a way of coping with their feelings.

Still others may simply be entitled and self-centered, and they may not care about the impact of their behavior on others.

Whatever the reason, the behavior of some expats in Thailand can be harmful to the local community. They may exploit Thai people, they may engage in criminal activity, or they may simply be rude and disrespectful. This behavior can make it difficult for other expats to integrate into Thai society, and it can also give Thailand a bad reputation.

If you are an expat in Thailand, it is important to be aware of the potential for bad behavior.

Be mindful of your actions, and be respectful of Thai culture and people. If you see other expats behaving badly, try to speak up and discourage them. By working together, we can help to create a more positive and respectful environment for everyone in Thailand.


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