
Long Term Financial Plan

If you do not have a fixed income, such as a full time remote job, bonafide business with guaranteed income or a retirement pension, Thailand is not the place for you!

Yes you can SURVIVE teaching English for US $1,000 a month or maybe Youtube earnings, but you will never make it over the long term.

If you throw all caution to the wind and move to Thailand, you had better have a plan when it doesn’t work out (where to move back to), because without guaranteed financials, you will not make it till death.

If you don’t want to plan, if you do want to think that far in advance, don’t.

You will join the 1,000’s that found out the hard way in their middle years.

When you are not contributing to your home countries social pension systems, you will have nothing for retirement.

Rules can change, you never know if you can stay employed long term or not?

Thailand is an awesome place just like 1,000’s of others around the globe.

The common denominator is money.

It takes money to live.

This entails working an entire life time and saving for retirement.

If you are in Thailand with no retirement plan and no savings to support yourself in old age, you are going to learn the hard way.

Exotic locations such as Thailand are no different than your home locations.

Need to work and save, save, save so you have something to retire on.


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