We asked expats moving to Thailand “What are their current concerns and fears”?
One of the biggest concerns is with health insurance as they age. Many respondents were unsure if medical insurance would be available or affordable from age 70 to 90.
Financing the cost of a move by selling their home abroad and then having no where to move back to if things go wrong in Thailand.
VISA issues and if the VISA regulations could ever change to a point where they would not be able to meet them financially. Not being welcomed with long term VISA’s.
Rising costs and fluctuating baht rates. Not only with western goods, but with Thai goods as well. Services such as utilities and gas.
Difficulties with the language and unable to communicate with basic services.
Two-tier pricing even though they have chosen to make Thailand their permanent home.
Not seeing their children, family, friends.
Issues with increasing air pollution, flooding, etc.
Corruption, coups.
Scams, petty crimes, crime in general, drugs
Fear of police and equal legal representation
Resentment. Over the years resenting the fact they decided to move and have no way to get back to their home countries.