
No Money No Honey

I grew up dirt poor.

No running water, no furniture, no appliances, no car, nothing.

I think the most money I ever had was 10 baht.

I was extremely luck to marry an American and be saved from poverty.

It is not about the Honey, no sir.

It is all about the money.

Whether you are Thai or foreigner, Thailand is not a kind place to live if you don’t have money.

Did you ever wonder why there are 1,000,000 vendors selling that delicious street food you love? They are trying to financially survive.

Image yourself preparing all that food, dragging all the equipment to your spot, then standing in the heat for 8 to 10 hours a day. The taking it all down when the day is over.

This is financially surviving. Surviving day to day. No one is giving any though to retirement or living a good life.

Thailand will eat you up if you are underfunded.

Only the foolish kid themselves living in Thailand underfunded can last forever.

Sure you can live without every owning a thing, but sooner of later father time catches up and the medical bills can bankrupt you.

So much for the good life in Thailand.

A normal expat life is NOT cheap in Thailand.

No Money, no lots of things.

Forget the honey!


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