
No Way Out

If you have to work in Thailand or have limited income, you are eventually going to learn a hard lesson called life.

Too many young people come to Thailand on a holiday and get mentally confused that living in Thailand is one big good time.

They cannot wait to move and many do.

Getting a rental condo, often only 1 room, is an exciting start to living in Thailand.

All the unique sounds and smells of Thailand.

Thai food cooking on every corner.

It is a very exciting time until….

The newness eventually wears off everything in life. Whether a new place to stay, new clothes, even a new car.

You start to find faults with everything and you want more.

Thailand is no different.

Sooner or later the excitement and newness of being in Thailand gets old and the reality of how much things cost sets in.

Whether your are teaching English, Youtube, or whatever you are doing for work, you will find that working in Thailand and trying to live on a small income will get old super fast.

Getting to and from work in this heat, humidity, traffic and congestion will wear you out to the point you just want to get home at the end of the work day and sleep.

Five or six days a week, work has you so warn out, all you want to do is sleep.

The walls on that closed size condo will close in, not having any transportation, eating the same old street food day in and day out because that is all you can afford.

Budgeting takes on a new meaning as you try to financially survive.

You soon realize your teacher income is not enough.

You soon realize that with even a good amount of subscribers, some months are way worse financially than others. You simply cannot count on an income month to month from Youtube.

For the guys, you met the girl of your dreams. Wow, wait until she finds out the foreigner is probably living worse than she is?

Going to get married and raise some kids in your 1 room condo?

Going to be able to afford to get married in the first place?

Can you even afford a girlfriend and have the time and money to take her out?

Sooner or later, (many later because they believe all foreigners are rich), girls learn that their good looking, young boyfriend is too broke to afford anything.

Heartbreak straight ahead as she dumps you.

Each year you spend living like this, you get older, older and even older.

Down the road you wake up and realize you have nothing saved, no assets, no property, no car, no nothing.

Forget about retirement pensions.

The dream has died.

It isn’t long before you realize there is NO WAY OUT of living this way in Thailand.

You finally accept going home is the only answer.

2, 5, maybe 10 years older, you pack it in and call your parents asking for a place to stay.

When you finally move home and overcome the shock of a broken dream, you start looking for a job. Rebuild and start over.

Accept when you go to job interviews and they ask you what experience you have and where you have been working, you will learn ALL that time in Thailand is looked at as zero experience and worthless.

You will end up in some menial job, living with your parents. Getting older and older while the savings are taking forever to accumulate.

Thailand is still on your mind.

You start thinking living broke in Thailand might have been better, but you understand it may be 10+ years or more before you can save enough to move back?

Many don’t even understand the older you are, moving back to Thailand with limited income is an even worse experience. Wanting things you cannot afford. Wanting someone you cannot afford.

It is NOT going to end well and once again there will be NO WAY OUT.

At issue is instead of researching how much it will cost to live the life you want to have, many simply forget about this important step and move with reckless abandon.

They think moving to Thailand and getting there is the end game.

Sorry people, it is just the beginning of what eventually will be the worst mistake of your life.

There is no country in the world, that you can live the way you want to live, with limited income.

Living on the cheap with only 30,000 thb per month, from age 20 to 65 (retirement), in those 45 years you will have needed to earn 16,200,000 thb or US $463,000.

You will find living with only 30,000 thb per month will get old superfast and not provide the kind of life you expected.

Once you trap yourself, life will become miserable and there is NO WAY OUT!


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