
Street Food Vendors

Did it every occur to you that the majority of street food vendors spend their entire lives on the street selling food for little money?

It is heart breaking to me, to see so many good, kind hearted people that have no future other than being a street vendor.

Many of these vendors have already been on the streets for years and years and years.

Each day hoping to make enough sales to make the day’s work worthwhile.

The majority have accepted their lot in life and continue onward every day with a cheery disposition.

The next time you marvel at how cheap things are from street food vendors, try thinking they are supporting themselves and their family on what ever earnings they make that day.

You would gladly pay 10 times more in your own country, so why not make a street vendors day and give a big tip?

It does the heart wonders and gives these vendors hope.

Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand how hard their life is compared to your own.


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