
The One Way Trip

Those that are at retirement or past retirement age and making a one way trip are faced with lots of undue burden.

Did you ever give any thought to never going home, never seeing friends or family?

The One Way Trip.

It is forever and for many this is the last stop on earth.

There is no turning back.

My husband (although he leaves the decision to me) is still hanging on to an expensive house in Florida.

It is coming time for a decision.

As he gets older, the chances he will go back are getting very slim.

I, myself, don’t know if I will ever go back to the USA, if and when the day comes.

Don’t want to deal with a rental, we have first hand experience what happens with rentals in Florida.

Sometimes my husband is burdened knowing he will die in Thailand. He already has a plan in place and accepts it on the surface, but not sure on the reality.

He will have no family back in the USA to go back to.

I guess that is one good reason why he is here with me.

It is a tough decision and the older a person gets, the more they think about it.

For some, a one way trip is a blessing as Thailand is an upgrade from where ever they moved from.

For others, the thought if dying in a foreign country doesn’t sound very appealing.

When you decide to sell it all and move to Thailand, the first thing you should be asking yourself is that “A one Way Trip” and are you ok with it?

That might take a lot of the undue burden away.


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